I have been having a really weird problem with my chrysler
Was there a specific way that I was supposed to check the fuel pressure, because I had just plugged it to the port and turned the ignition, and it gave me a pressure of 49.... Also, Is it possible that my coil packs could be bad, and how would I check that....
I think it might be my ECM..... because My Primary Resistance for the coil packs is .8, Could anyone tell me what software Chrysler uses to flash the ECM, because I have the cable to flash it, I just don't know what software to use.
How much would it cost to get it flashed, if I bought a new one.... and Is there any way to know it is bad, because I get fuel.... but I don't get spark in any of my coil packs, and I got the coil packs checked and they were okay.... I don't want to buy a new PCM if I don't need it.